Dear everyone!
I hope this course will be an enjoyable experience for you.
So, today I would like us to get to grips with blogs)))
Task1Go to and create your own blog - internet diary. It's very easy! So have some fun experimenting with design. After you are over, post a comment to this blog entry with a link to your blog. While you are busy doing task 2, I'll attach your links to this blog, so you'll be able to read each other's blogs and comment on them
Task 2Many people use their blogs to comment on the latest news and share their thoughts with others. It's like being a journalist!
So, your task here will be to search the internet for the news which appeals to you and write about it in your blog. People usually not just write text but also attach weblinks, pictures and video to their blog entries - so, go ahead, experiment with these tools!
Below, you will see my news entry as an example

I was really shocked yesterday to know that Whitney Houston was found dead.
I'm so sorry for this talented singer and a very beautiful woman. I can't say I was a fan of hers, but I really enjoy her songs and her powerful, amazing voice which made me make the volume of my radio up every time I heard one of her recordings on air.
This sad accident reminds me of another beauty and pop icon of her time - Merilyn Monroe, who also died so suddenly and used to have the same problems which killed Whitney - alcohol and drugs.
Why do the beautiful, talented, rich and famous have to be so unhappy and die so young? Like a candle which burns so bright and extinguishes so soon...
The song which made her world famous -
I Will Always Love You is now like a hymn of her fans, devoted to herself this time...
Here is the karaoke video which I especially liked. Enjoy!
Task 3How do you usually search for information on the Internet? I guess, you just google some key words - and that's a good idea. However, you can also make information come to your mail box if you subscribe to it.
Have you ever heard of RSS? I hope, no))) Otherwise, I'll have nothing to teach today anymore)))
Anyway, watch a short video about RSS
Now, we'll do what the video suggests.
First, go to and create an account in google. After you are through, just enter your gmail box and find
Reader. Here you will enter your favourite websites and subscribe to them. As a first step, subscribe for this blog and the blogs of your сlassmates.
Homework1. post a comment to this entry with a link to your blog2. complete your news entry with at least one picture and one weblink3. leave a comment at at least one of your classmates' blogs4. Subscribe to this blog and to all of your classmates' blogs5. add at least one extra RSS feed (not to your classmates' blogs) and be ready to comment upon your subscription next time (why did you choose this one?)If you worked well today, you have already done issues 1-4, so you have only #5 to complete!
That's all for today, see you next week!